This is such a relief.
Thanks, you guys.
I don't feel the relief yet. I think I'm too tired right now. But tonight I'll go home and to bed on a human hour, and I guess I'll be able to feel the relief by tomorrow morning.
I hope we still get more late-night Nilly, though.
Oh, I'll be very surprised if that won't be the case. I got the extension because there's so much work left to be done on this (and so little computer cooperation), so it's not like I can be away much from the computer, anyway.
I saw this in the Metro this morning, about that Market Basket employee- didn't show up for his arraignment yesterday
The second thing I thought about, after getting the your-deadline-is-not-the-31st was that hopefully the whole mess with Allyson's brother won't get any delays and will be resolved - and in dropping all charges, as it should be - as soon as possible.