Just as I started thinking about actually going to the air/water show this weekend (instead of just listening to the Blue Angels from my apartment) I got a call to work this weekend. No sun for me. At least the job will be easy with lots of time for me to read.
I keep considering bangs to cover up my very high forehead but somehow I'm never quite convinced.
Mmm. I had bacon and eggs this morning, and there's just nothing tastier than bacon. Mmm, bacon.
Also, I am meara when it comes to the speed of reading, including the internets. Sometimes there is not enough internets for me. But then, sometimes I'm not on at all, so I figure it all balances out. Right now I'm on the up side of the cycle because of catching up.
I have a widow's peak! But my hair is usually styled in such a way as to not accentuate it. And right now it's covered with a hat, because my hair really is that bad today.
Yup, that's all I've got, yet again. Words. Missing. All that. At least I still have enough exclamation points.
The completist in me wants to read everything I'm subscribed to, but when I have busy weeks like this one, that's just not going to happen.
Whoo! I'm home, can you tell?
Whoo! I'm home
(See above: words deficit.)
I haven't read the Reader's Digest in years, but they have a great interview with Stephen Colbert online.
Q: You, Steve Carell, and Jon Stewart have done some palling around. Which of you is Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Sammy Davis, Jr.?
A: Jon is Sinatra, I'm Martin, and I think Steve is Peter Sellers.
Q: How about Dan Rowan, Dick Martin, and Goldie Hawn?
A: I'm Dick.
Q: Goldie?
A: Steve. Jon is Dan.
Q: Larry, Moe, and Curly?
A: Jon is Moe, Steve is Shemp, and I'm Joe Besser, unfortunately.