Got $2K? Here's Kirk's Chair.
For the geek who has everything: CBS Consumer Products announced that it will sell a full-size, operational replica of the chair piloted by Capt. James T. Kirk on the original Star Trek TV show. And it'll only set you back $2,000.
The officially licensed product features a working swivel design, light-up controls and sound effects from the series (intercom hail, photon torpedoes, etc.).
The chair also issues snippets of dialogue from the show, including the famous "Space: The final frontier" prologue and William Shatner's voice uttering such deathless phrases as "Lt. Uhura, open a channel to all decks" and "Kirk to engineering: Scotty, report!"
The chair will be available online and at retail outlets in time for the holidays.
Olympic photo commentary - this is a BAD. ASS. photo. V. nice. Christine Brinker on Germany's skeet-shooting team.
Got $2K? Here's Kirk's Chair.
t starts robbing people and things
It's like if you shot a pig into a cow and then grilled the carnage up and melted cheese onto it. I'm sure it's good, but I'm too intimidated by it to get one.
That's EXACTLY what it tastes like. With mayo and ketchup. It's not for the faint of heart. Literally.
Kirk's chair will be available from here: [link]
I'm not sure if it's there yet. But they've got some awesome stuff, like a statue of River triumphant over the Reavers. (I can't link directly to it.)
the world is rosy
That's all I can think of to say. Writing other stuff seems to have drained me of all other words.
I don't think anybody keeps up. Skip and skim is your friend.
I read every post in Natter and Bitches, pretty much. Though occasionally I read them very quickly. But then, for the past year I've been unemployed for four months, underemployed for several more, and only worked in an office for four months. So you'll understand that I had plenty of time on my hands. And I'm not in any of the show threads. I, um, may spend too much time here. And I read really fast. The other day I went to the library and checked out seven books. And read them by the next day. AND read everything here. And the rest of the internet. And was bored.
MM shaved/plucked her hairline to achieve that widow's peak.
I have a widow's peak, and I don't understand why you would do that. How weird.
I read every post in Natter and Bitches, pretty much. Though occasionally I read them very quickly.
You know, there's a reason it's called "a meara"!
What was that burger they had at the place in Madison? Like a half pound of beef topped with bratwurst topped with bacon and and the whole thing covered in cheese.