There are awesome clouds here, puffy cotton behind dark spiderwebs.
I love it when the sky actually has depth (or height, I guess) - when it's possible to see that above the clouds there's not just that blue empty whatever, but rather a whole lotta space, thanks to the other clouds that have enough room to roam there, too.
Winners of the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest of bad writing: [link]
"Die, commie pigs!" grunted Sergeant "Rocky" Steele through his cigar stub as he machine-gunned the North Korean farm animals.
Seriously? Because that sentence is fucking HILARIOUS. (Okay, to me, at least.) (Seriously.)
Sadly the sky is now just slate gray. Booooooring.
Well, as they say, the sky is always grayest just before it turns a different shade of gray....
The days are definitely getting shorter. Due to how close I am to the mountains, I was able to drive to work and get in the building without being in direct sunlight the whole way. My own personal equinox, or something.
Sadly the sky is now just slate gray. Booooooring.
Not in SF. It's blue skied and beautiful.
It's been raining off and on all day. I'm in heaven. The only downside is I have to take Abby to the orthodontist in a couple of hours and go pick up the dogs from the groomer.
Just ated too much thai food. Am sooo sleepy. I really want to nap on a bench in the park across the street. It's lovely and hot but not too hot not humid.
I had too much free pizza for lunch, and now am totally nappish myself.
Also, I don't want to do my work.
I had too much free pizza for lunch
Cool, that's my favorite kind of pizza.