Sara, this is my favorite routine by Klimova and Ponemarenko. Such deep, Russian melodrama, such passion. They certainly were talented, and made wonderful use of drama.
Allyson, I'm so glad you had a good time at the signing.
Back to look at no-makeup photos.
nasty virus going around masquerading as breaking news alerts from CNN and MSNBC, with varying headline
Thanks! I wondered what that was.
Allyson, it's good to hear that the book signing was good for you. I'm regretting now missing the book release party/signage/can't remember what it was now that Nilly tried to see if I can go to last year by 24 hours, when I already had a flight to the East Coast.
sarameg, again, I can really relate to the hate shopping thing. I went to buy shoes to wear with skirts and dresses yesterday and had gift card for cloths, so I used it too. At some point I realized hanging around book stores and music stores won't get me anywhere near my targets, so I had to be practical and use them. So I now have new shoes (which mean I can wear the skirts I have!), a new skirt and a new top. And a new album...
Gonna celebrate my birthday later today. But for now, it's work, work, work...
Heh, Perkins, thanks, but ya'll wished me happy birthday on the "official" date two weeks ago. Tonight will be the Hebrew date.
There are advantages for being Jewish, I guess. Two birthdays almost every year and all.
It's a hobbitty approach to birthdays--what's not to love as long as you don't get two years older?
I just did some ironing so I'd feel a bit better about my clothing. The idea I don't have enough is sheer delusion, even if too much of it doesn't fit right (I need longer tops, for real) and I can certainly make do.
It's a hobbitty approach to birthdays
Oh, but I love the way you put this.
A friend of mine claims that it's supposed to be your birthday for the entire time between the two dates (which can range from no time at all when the dates coincide to around a month because there every now and then the Hebrew year has 13 months).
Last night I actually went to sleep, not just fell asleep while working/fighting-with-the-computer. That's what I did with the extra-day delay bureaucracy gave to my deadline. Now my body is all "wait, what was that? This thing that you just gave me? This sleep thing. Yeah, I like that. More of that, please. NOW.". Silly thing.
Also, I was just reprimanded for not handing in grades of exams which took place two weeks ago. Now, the time limit for grading is two weeks. Which are not yet over by today, so I'm not even late on that yet. And still.
So to anybody who's wondering what I may be doing on Sunday, after the deadline? That's the answer. Grading.
(Which, strangely enough, being not-in-front-of-the-computer, with nothing which may refuse to work and compile and file-corrupt and all, seems like a really fun thing to do, from where I'm sitting now, yes-in-front-of-the-computer.)
Wow, this was a meMeME post.
Shir, I hope you have a great day today. I wish I could share it with you, but I'm sure the company will be lovely, the chocolate yummy and all good things.
Last night I actually went to sleep
Yay! I'm glad you slept like a normal person!
I hope you have a great day today
Thank you! I wish you could be there too, but hey, we already have another date for this.
ooof. Just completed chapter two.
I'm going to regret this when I have to get up in five hours.
But chapter two is done!
Chapter three is vampire bats!!!!
BTW, I have decided that vampire bats are the biggest gossips in the rain forest. And they are feasting on a sleeping capybara when they meet Sam.