ACLU cries foul as city nets arrests with 24-hour curfew
Yeah. He's allowed by law to declare curfew for 48 hours. So he's just doing it over and over and over....
"Now if somebody wants to sue us, they have an option to sue, but I'm fairly certain that a judge will see it the way the way the citizens see it here," Mayor James Valley said. "The citizens deserve peace, that some infringement on constitutional rights is OK and we have not violated anything as far as the Constitution."
Valley's curfew will remain in place for all minors, but adults will be allowed out if they can answer questions about their need to be outside their homes.
"The Peace of the Gun."
The Chair of the Arkansas Democratic Party was shot at the Headquarters.
Was Zell Miller involved in any way?
A 24 hour curfew?? Yeah, I'd say that's pretty fucking RIDICULOUS. (Also, at what point is that NOT martial law, really?)
Did you read my bat pirate song? It actually made my workday less irritating for five minutes.
I did! I want someone like Fay sing it and record it for us, so we can listen to it whenever we want.
Those lucky folks seem to have elected a mayor who is an expert in Constitutional law! "Some infrigement on Constitutional rights is OK!"
CNN breaking news is saying Cindy McCain sprained her hand shaking hands with supporters.
She should stick with terrorist fist bumps.
Ahahahaha! Fun with Google Street View
The hell?
Remember when Slate used to, you know, not suck?
This could be a fun game:
Obviously, Obama hasn't announced his running mate yet, but thanks to now-leaking Denver speaking schedules we can safely cross off a number of prominent options. The VP pick will speak on Wednesday, August 27th, which means that politicians speaking on other days have been ruled out. Thus, Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill, Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland, Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter, and just announced keynoter Mark Warner are all no-gos (same with Nancy Pelosi and Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper, not that anyone thought those were potential picks).
Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius definitely will speak at the convention, but the date and time haven't been announced yet. I'm not sure whether this makes her selection more or less likely. On the one hand, she will be at the convention, as the VP selection must. On the other, I doubt the famously tight-lipped Obama campaign would announce that the VP pick is speaking at the convention before the official veep announcement. In any case, if she's scheduled for Wednesday night, take that as a definite sign that she's the running mate, and if she's scheduled for another time, take that as a sign she's out of contention.
Yeah, I was told that if I have to use an OTC for a headache (mind you, this is just b/c of migraines, not for other random pains) to use naproxen (Aleve).
For me, naproxen is the OTC drug that will actually stop migraines rather than just lessen the pain while the other symptoms run their full course. I tend not to take other painkillers at all unless it's for something like a twisted ankle—I'm so used to headaches that I just grit my teeth and get through the tension-variety that lack vision problems, nausea, and dizziness.
In re the curfew - you know, there's a section of DC that has checkpoints. Anyone who can't produce proof that they have a reason to drive through the area (i.e., they live there, are visiting someone who's expecting them, has business) is turned away. It's in response to a bunch of shootings in the area. According to news reports, a lot of the people who live in the area approve of it. sigh.