What about instant coffee? I think a Canadian ancestor of mine invented instant coffee! Or at least manufactured it....
I'll have to check that out.
We also have Standard Time to our credit. Well it was a Scotsman living in Canada. And it wasn't approved until he left Canada, but there's a park named after him in Halifax!
I can see it now...Vancouver Olympic Committee brings you Time Zones! A journey through the world an hour at a time. Half an hour later in Newfoundland.
I got: the zipper, butter tarts and the snowmobile.
Basketball? Nah, that won't work. Um, blood transfusion? Hopefully that won't even come up.
Broomball? The Canadarm?
Yeah, I got nothin'.
I'll have to check that out.
Googling didn't come up with anything, so it must have just been a plant. I think it was the Lefebvres.
Nilly, what is your dissertation about? The one-sentence version is fine, and it's okay to use technical terms because mr. flea wants to know. And he has a PhD - in SCIENCE! (Which is an American public-radio-based joke that you will not get, but funny, trust me.)
That's SCOTTISH, it's not CRAP!
Oh look, the Greatest Canadian inventions:
Wonderbra [1964, Louise Poirier]
Ladies and Gentleman, we have a winner!
Oooo, I forgot about the Robertson Screw!
Get your minds out of the gutter!
What about the Robertson Screw?
Go Canada!
So, mom confirms all is well. I think I'll still make plans to go up there, though.