Sophia, while reading the first part of your post, I wanted to run to the posting box immediately and post how I think you're smart and lovely and stylish (I've seen pictures!).
And then I read the second paragraph, with the bus-stop-dude, and wanted to do that even more.
I'm kind of waiting to talk to my mother to confirm that there's nothing actually wrong -- my father would tell me he feels fine, but leave out some crucial thing.
Fingers still crossed, gotcha.
The artworld is a strange and wondrous place.
to wit:
GENEVA (AFP) - A giant inflatable dog turd by American artist Paul McCarthy blew away from an exhibition in the garden of a Swiss museum, bringing down a power line and breaking a greenhouse window before it landed again, the museum said Monday.
Dog turd.
The quote is "I'm gonna love him, and squeeze him and call him George." I comes from the book Of Mice and Men. You also hear it in an early Bugs Bunny cartoon. I also believe that Dot from the Animaniacs said it too.
While Lenny from Of Mice and Men was definitely the inspiration, that's not an exact quote from the book. The first cartoon character to use it was the Abominable Snowman, trying to make Bugs Bunny into his new pet. Later Elmyra on Tiny Toons used the same phrase. I don't remember Dot saying it on Animaniacs, but she may have. It's kind of become a thing in Warner Brothers cartoons -- a character saying "And I'll love him and pet him and call him George" while the animal/person they're holding desperately trying to escape from the crushing hold.
Y'know, I think that broadcasting gymnastics live really isn't a great idea. There are four or five events going on at once, so if there are two important things happening at the same time, they can only show one of them. Last night, for the mens team final, we got to see most of the US routines, several of the Chinese ones, and maybe two of the Japanese ones. Then at the very end, when it looked possible that Germany might get the bronze and they realized they hadn't broadcast any of the German routines, they just stuck the last two German pommel horse routines on the screen, and the commentators seemed to not even know the names of the gymnasts.
>I'm kind of waiting to talk to my mother to confirm that there's nothing actually wrong -- my father would tell me he feels fine, but leave out some crucial thing.
Will keep worrying, then.
Nilly- thank you
No need for you to worry, too! I'm just crazy.
I'm kind of waiting to talk to my mother to confirm that there's nothing actually wrong -- my father would tell me he feels fine, but leave out some crucial thing.
Crossing fingers.
Canadia get its own team???
We have not won a medal yet. How can we not win in kayaking? And Canoeing? Didn't we invent the canoe?
Since I wasn't around to talk about the opening ceremonies, my friends and I were saying that Beijing is giving a lot for the Vancouver 2010 opening ceremonies to live up to. Then I started thinking of Canada's greatest invetions. I got: the zipper, butter tarts and the snowmobile. Yep, those opening ceremonies are in trouble.
What about instant coffee? I think a Canadian ancestor of mine invented instant coffee! Or at least manufactured it....
In other Olympics news, I wish what's-her-name Coughlin would say her name right. Coff-lin! Not cog-lin.
I'm just crazy.
No, your dad would just say he felt fine and leave out some important bit. That's not crazy, that's a daughter validly waiting for reassurance and confirmation.
Which reminds me, need to call dad so he can tell me he's fine. Then I'll talk to my stepmom to be sure he actually is.
See, Cass, now *you* are being great.