Thanks, Hil [Edit: and Jesse!] (can't youtube on the university's computer, though, so it'll have to wait for the home computer).
[Oh, and it's been way too long since I watched "Singing in the Rain", as well. Hmm, I sense a trend here.]
In other issues, can we please make "teh" officially an English word by Thursday? It'll save me so much in proof-reading. Also, please to make "is" and "in" just the one word, because no spell-checker can help me here. Bonus if that single word is "if".
Ta, ever so.
Dude, I still love Milli Vanilli.
Go ahead, shun me. I don't care.
I remember my older sister and her friends (who were about 12 or 13 at the time) thinking themselves the height of coolness for coming up with a "Blame in on Hussein" parody of "Blame it on the Rain."
Also, I'd completely forgotten how utterly ridiculous the "Baby Don't Forget My Number" video was: [link]
I remember my older sister and her friends (who were about 12 or 13 at the time) thinking themselves the height of coolness for coming up with a "Blame in on Hussein" parody of "Blame it on the Rain."
My sister and I were about the same age when we came up with what we knew was a dorky parody on "Don't Cry Out Loud" (a popular sappy ballad at the time) called "Don't Sneeze Out Loud." (Just keep it inside / and learn how to hide your geeerms...)
The Wheel of Time
I've never read those.
That's for the best really.
Well, people tend to lose their accents to some extent when they sing.
Yeah, but if you listen to them speak [link] , Rob really can't pronounce th or w sounds.
Yeah, but if you listen to them speak [link] , Rob really can't pronounce th or w sounds.
At first I don't think anybody bothered to analyse it that closely -- accents fade when people sing. That probably would have been good enough if they'd never blown up.
Perhaps the French were not acquainted with stress until they had to deal with English?
Then they would've just call "stress" "le English", no?
More likely, "l'Américain."
They have a word for it (la pression) but, as one might guess, that is more about feeling pressure, so no one ever uses anything but
le stress
for anxiety.
There is also no easy way to use stress (to emphasize) as a verb, which was maddening in academia when I often found myself wanting to say just that.
I think one of the most maddening things about being bilingual is knowing there exists the perfect word for something, but in the wrong language.
There is also no easy way to use stress (to emphasize) as a verb, which was maddening in academia when I often found myself wanting to say just that.
Oh, thank god. I always thought I was just missing something obvious.
I think one of the most maddening things about being bilingual is knowing there exists the perfect word for something, but in the wrong language.
It may even be the point a person may describe himself as actually bilingual, no? Or at least one of the "big" point. When the precisely correct word, regardless of language, comes straight to mind?