Mark Spitz is angry no one invited him to any olympic broadcast - what with his record possibly about to be broken....
Huh. I'm surprised they didn't, actually. I kind of get why he's pissed. Has he turned into some kind of embarrassing freakshow or something that the network doesn't want to grapple with?
This is a very awesome t-shirt: Foam Monster In Emotional Reunion With Severed Limb
Ha! That's from the same place that made my Attack of Literacy t-shirt.
I am aware that "Without the designated hitter rule Edgar Martinez wouldn't have had such a long and wonderful career" is not an argument that will sway anyone. It's all heart and no head, which is not how I normally roll. But I'm glad there's a DH because I got to see Edgar play. And he belongs in Cooperstown in a couple more years, dammit.
Are they showing the swimming live on the East Coast? (Just saw
Phelps get another gold
on CBC)
Yep, swimming is live on the East Coast.
Ooo, men's team gymnastics final tonight! Yum!
Next week is track and field, right?
I'm finding the swimmers much more interesting to look at than the divers. They're a bit more manly.
Hey, Perkins!
The summer gig was good. My students were fantastic and one of the two shows was great fun. The cats and I are glad to be home now.
Oh good, on both the summer and the home.