I certainly got the strong impression that a research paper meant that we were supposed to summarize what other people had said.
Strega, that's true to a certain extent. Because lots of middle school research isn't cutting edge new info, it is the summarization of other information. But, it has to be paraphrased/summarized and, in the words of one of the most recent CWP Analytical Writing Continuum, it needs to be recapitulated with analysis. And that's the essential difference.
Teaching when to cite, in terms of plagiarism is extremely difficult. I often point out that if you information doesn't answer "So What?" Or "this connects to my main idea" then you have to cite it.
And I publicly fail students who don't, using their paper, with the name stripped, in a lesson about what is wrong with plagiariing.
Interesting--Roger Ebert's take on the opening ceremonies and the thoughts on China that rose from seeing them.
And suddenly I'm concerned about Allyson's bat.
is it a vampire bat? we could have a blood drive...
Looks like Anthony Bourdain's doing a "No Reservations" ep in Chicago!
I've been there!!! And the owner is my friend's husband's name dobbleganger.
And suddenly I'm conerned about Allyson's bat.
This was my first thought as well.
I wonder if this is to try to distract people from the legal question about McCain's citizenship (which, while valid, is also ridiculous).
When I read about that on Snopes I nearly wet myself laughing.
Jeezis, can't we find ANY Amurricans to run?
Paris Hilton is a U.S. citizen, isn't she?
This is the most awesome painting of a major historical event ever! The Surrender
I'm not sure it's 100% accurate, as I know of no documentation that Robocop was at the Battle of Yorktown. Also, I think most paleontologists would agree that even as far back as the American Revolution, the dinosaurs were already extinct, in which case it would have been impossible for George Washington to have ridden a triceratops into battle.
But the important thing is the painting got the
of our enemy's surrender right....
eta: note from the artist:
I painted this for the 225th anniversary of the Battle of Yorktown when George Washington and the Continentals traunched the British. The county would not dignify it with a response, however, George Washington's Mount Vernon estate kindly wrote me an e-mail saying they would "pass it along to the staff".