I find it amusing that the Canadian and US costumes are so close to each other - Canadians are more casual, but we're both still rocking the driving cap and light pants.
(I unabashedly loved the Canadian costumes for Calgary. Big cowboy hats and greatcoats? SO THERE.)
Juliana, what channel is it on here?
Worked for a Brazilian company once. Beauty did indeed seem to be a national characteristic. Of course at the particular place I worked, all the Brazilians also spoke at least four languages, so maybe not a statistically valid sample.
I loved Barbados-- they looked so groovy and like "Hey man, party time" and yet snazzy at the same time.
Perkins, are you on Comcast? I am, and it's 3 for me. (NBC, if you're not.)
I am on Comcast, but NBC is local news for me.
Typo, it's always been something that's very matter of course for me, growing up in Miami as it was becoming a huge cultural/commercial crossroads for the Caribbean and South America, to meet all of these gorgeous South Americans who could, as a matter of course, speak three and four languages. (Oh, the Argentines have also been so beautiful too. Can't wait to see that team.)
It won't be on til 7:30, I think, Perkins.
Did anyone else see the Sumo wrestlers turn into a jet plane ad?