I have a week to get my apartment to "Mom's staying over" cleaniness state. I figure one room a day should do it: kitchen tonight, closets tomorrow night, bedroom Sunday, etc. That way, I won't be up all night next Saturday night doing everything that evening like I usually do.
Waaah! So do I! Well, more than a week, but still. I'm probably a far slower mover. She swears I don't have to, that it's part of the reason she's coming, but who's she kidding? It doesn't matter in the least. I still need to get tense.
Actually, what I need to do is go somewhere and call that recruiter back. I hate that search for privacy that's supposed to still sound professional.
Wait, Edwards whose wife has breast cancer?
Wait, Edwards whose wife has breast cancer?
Former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards on Friday admitted to an extramarital affair while his wife was battling cancer. He denied fathering the woman's daughter.
What a piece of shit.
eta: Obviously, that was re: Edwards, not re: shrift
Former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards on Friday admitted to an extramarital affair while his wife was battling cancer. He denied fathering the woman's daughter.
Holy Carp! He was my favorite for president (except kuchinich)
Also, it seems like they call every indiscretion "an affair"-- while to me "an affair" implies some emotional ties that just "cheating" does not. Not that they aren't both not good things.
Also, Edwards has copped to his affair. So I guess folks knew that and that's one reason why nobody was talking about him as a VP candiate.
Did someone other than the Enquirer finally pick up the story?
It was time to go home for me! So I am home, with makings for what could be a delicious cous cous salad.
Yay, Shrift!!
When Edwards was still in the presidential race, a friend of mine who used to work in trial law and whose bosses were high enough muckety mucks that they did the social rounds with Edwards when he was still working as an attorney, told me that she could never vote for him because she'd seen the sorts of things he was capable of as an attorney. In her words, "He's the guy who'd sell his grandmother in order to get a favorable verdict."