He could have retired at the top of his game with widespread adoration, broken NFL records, wads of cash and a cush gig doing ANYTHING involved in football or media.
Boy, isn't he going to be surprised by the New York sports press and Jets fans in general if he gets the lead QB gig; he has no idea what he's in for. Those folks don't play nice.
He may be a huge star but frankly, I think he's been an ass. What's the payoff?
He's now playing in New York, so next year's retirement and un-retirement can get even more publicity?
More seriously, belated thanks for the birthday wishes. This is the first time I've been around this week (short version -- Hubs has been going through a crisis involving friends, and I took several days off to help him through it).
And it's not as if this is the first year he did this. I mean, in the last few years, it's been "Will he or won't he?" almost up until the last minute except for this year, when he finally did retire and then months later says, "Oh wait-- maybe not so much."
Wrod. I'm just baffled at all this. Was it this thread we were recently discussing addictive personalities/behaviors? Because seriously, this is some insane shit he's got going on.
He's now playing in New York, so next year's retirement and un-retirement can get even more publicity?
No way. Unless he makes a deal with the robot devil and wracks up 5 Superbowls in a row or something, there is no way he ever sees that kind of lionization again.
Brett Favre is a Jet.
When you're a Jet, you're a Jet all the way...
Jesse stole my smart remark. That's about the only thing I contribute to a football conversation.
With everybody's days being what they are, I probably shouldn't mention that I am on holiday. However, I am. It was a good week to take off because I spent yesterday with friends from Montreal, and today with my friend D. who is from here originally, but is in the process of moving from Dallas to NY. He's very intense, and I just spent three hours with him, and my head is spinning. Need to recover.
I figure the dude knows he should retire, but at the last minute just can't close that chapter of his life. That's got to be hard to do.
ION, CERN's LHC, Large Hadron Collider for those unfamiliar with the TLA, has an official start up date of September 10th.
It will be awhile before it gets up to full power, but you've got to start someplace.
He's fucked that up for what? Sixteen more football games?
Or, just maybe, a crippling injury?
Or the embarassment of being cut.
So Clemens is still the number two QB at the Jets. Right?
So Clemens is still the number two QB at the Jets. Right?
I think Clemens is still there, but did they dump Pennington?