My parents are way close to the Ikea ferry, and I swear the mere presence of the thing turns my dad into a 3-year-old. The last time we were up, he was all, "You could take the boat to Ikea!"... "but we don't want to go to Ikea"... "But... there's a boat! You could take it there!! A BOAT!"
In Sydney you can take a ferry across the harbour to the zoo. That's good ferry.
Someday, I will be able to walk to IKEA. No, seriously, they're building one over at Assembly Square, Somerville... maybe by 2010? Anyway that will eventually be there.
That's really happening? Huh.
I think I might have to take a plane to get to IKEA....
Wech were going to be able to take a ferry to Toronto, but it got massively f-ed up. Partially because it was going to be $40 each way. People in Rochester are a) cheap and b) not made of money. the good thing for me was that people thought the lake was going to be all "happening" and bought up property, which I am now able to live in very cheaply.
Here's an interesting thing, 1 August was once Lammas Day in Britain. One game played on this day was called "Bring Home the Bacon", in which married women (I originally spelt that marred women, which is just wrong) were given a hypothetical insult about their husbands, and the one who could best turn this into a strength was deemed the winner.
Isn't August first still Lammas? They didn't take away Lammas, did they?
What's all this about them taking away our llammas?
I am sunburned. I don't like it.
Orlando just opened an IKEA within the last 12 months and Tampa is supposed to get one within the next 12 months. Those are the closest options for IKEA fixes from here.
I truly live in the boondocks. Hub and I say we live on the moon and have to have air imported.