I'm going to stick my neck out and say the British have more of a rigid class system in place than the US.
I don't think you're taking much of a risk here. But the chances of breaking through from upper middle class into the US to the upper class--not that big. Mobility only gets you so far.
if your daughter is marrying an investment banker who grew up poor but makes bank and has the right manners it probably isn't that much of an issue with anyone but Bunny McDougal.
I can do no more than shrug at that. I honestly have no idea.
More useful to whom?
As a sociological class that identifies common traits. "Middle class" is too broad and ill-defined to mean anything in particular.
Question for Nilly (possibly stupid, but I'm curious) - when you use a computer in Hebrew, is it in Hebrew characters or in transliterated English/Roman characters?
Firefly, ice cream,
humor, seventeen love, joy--
Nilly is awesome.
Oooh, Jesse's slutting for 10,000.
To her credit, the person who ran the ad for the family nanny does spell out just how little time off the person they hire would have and says that the person would be the nanny (or, really, assistant) to the whole family. It's not like somebody answering that ad could claim to be surprised by the work.
Oooh, Jesse's slutting for 10,000.
I resent your implication, sir.
I'm slutting for 10,000. I'm not proud.