We haven't had any mutant pigs in a while, huh? Piglet with monkey's face
Curious locals flocked to the home of owner Feng Changlin after news of the piglet spread in Fengzhang village, Xiping township.
"It's hideous. No one will be willing to buy it, and it scares the family to even look at it!" Feng told Oriental Today.
He says the piglet looks just like a monkey, with two thin lips, a small nose and two big eyes. Its rear legs are also much longer than its forelegs, causing it to jump instead of walk.
Feng's wife said the monkey-faced piglet was one of five newborns of a sow which the family had raised for nine years.
"My God, it was so scary. I didn't known what it was. I was really frightened," she said.
"But our son likes to play with it, and he stopped us from getting rid of it. He even feeds it milk."
Neighbours have suggested the couple keep the piglet to see how it looks as it matures.
I think it is sweet that their son saved the pig! But calling it a piglet with a monket face reminds me of sideshows. it looks more like a pig with some deformities than a monkey!
That is one seriously freaky-looking piglet. I have to run off to Google Images and try to bleach it out of my brain with about a billion Colin Firths.
An odd (and short) video of PZ Meyers as Dr. Horrible, as he desecrates the eucharist: [link]
Perhaps a tiny little bit NSFW, depending on where you work.
I actually am better with that piglet than the one with two heads. I get really freaked about animals with multiple heads, and then I feel bad, because they are sort of like conjoined twins, and I hope if they were human I would treat them kindly and get to know them.
I had too much lunch, and I still have half of it left.
Aren't anniversaries zero calorie days like birthdays and holidays?
If they aren't, they should be and yes, ita, Mojo's and it was sooooooo good.
Although left to her own devices, Abby would've torched the smoked chicken nachos by herself. It was everything I could do to grab the odd chip.
Yum, BBQ.
I'm off to the mountains for the weekend to cook for a dozen people and do some writing. Should be fun, except for the drive up (bleah).
But first I might nap.