So, a coworker sent this out a bit ago
I’ll be stepping out in a few, I have a chiro appt at 2.
I’ll be WFH afterwards but don’t be blue.
If you need to contact me you know what to do.
Of, course, I did the only thing I could possibly do. Reply to all, "BURMA SHAVE!"
Not yet, but I work at an agency, so I'm sure there will be.
Speaking of work. Any one want to read through something for me quickly. It's a transcript, so mostly, I just want to make sure I have all the right commas in all the right places.
lisah, it's raining at your house.
lisah, it's raining at your house.
I hope she didn't leave the cake out.
In the hopes of giving myself more energy, I just made lunch/dinner. Spaghetti dressed with olive oil, butter, garlic, sea salt, fire-roasted tomatoes, and chicken meatballs with sun-dried tomatoes. Shaved parm overtop.
I wanna nap now.
You nap, I'll eat your lunch.
Well, SOMEONE did.
I don't think that I can take it
'cause it took so long to bake it