Perkins and Alibelle threw me a baby shower when I was pregnant with Emeline. They had ordered the cake to say Congratulations Aimee with an accent over the first "e". What the cake decorators made was a cake that said Congratualtions "Aimee". Which implies, If that is your real name.
Everyone just laughed and laughed. And then, ate the cake cause it was damned good cake.
At least it was the Aimee in quotes and not Congratulations. Still hilarious, though.
Oh, I get that. I just went to a few too many punk shows back in the day.
::snicker:: I was just a boring lass, back in the day.
A traditional Yemenite food, became very popular in Israel.
As a toast, with things inside, it's awesomeness.
Note to self, from roommate: maybe shouting really loud "Oh, fuck you!" at the database I'm working on after receiving yet another error message, when I'm working from home, and little kids and elderly people are in the same building as I am, and the window's open, isn't such a great idea.
Googling mallawach has just made my morning better. Now I just need to find someone who will convey it to me through the interpipes.
Congratualtions "Aimee". Which implies, If that is your real name.
Which was double funny (at least for me, when I heard about it) because Aims used to post here under a nickname, in the past. So it was all her-real-name-is-not-her-real-name and all.
Also, Malawach. In the Hebrew wiki there's also a picture. [Edit: amych, I wish I could send you some!]
(Yes, I'm playing online instead of banging my head against the keyboard moaning and woe-is-me-ing and deadlining. It's better both for my soul as well as for my keyboard. I'm still not sure about my head)
Sending mallawach via interwebs to amych.
Also, I hope this will be helpful.