I had a pretty good Monday. I took the day off and since the kids are in summer school, my wife and I were able to go visit the local botanical gardens, eat out for lunch, and visit the bookstore. I didn't find much at the bookstore (it's a used bookstore so selection is spotty), but I did score the second Artemis Fowl book for my daughter since she is hooked after the first book.
When we got home we found that our rim arrived. Our car got a bent rim resulting in leaking air. Taking care or a bent alloy rim is a total pain in the ass. I ended up buying a used one off of eBay and have been driving my wife's car with the bad rim and filling up the tire every day. Now we back to driving "our" cars which is good because driving my car was making my wife cranky. Anyhow the new rim made my wife very happy.
I watched a good Doctor Who while exercising, and I noticed my homemade DVR finally recorded the first episode of Stargate. That show had better be decent, I've recored 180 f*cking episodes before finally getting the first one.
I also liked the Daily Show last night, especially the bit with all of the reporters covering Obama and a tape recorder covering McCain. The media coverage really is Obama! and, oh, some old guy.
The media coverage really is Obama! and, oh, some old guy.
Not unlike the race itself.
Man, I just got an email from my cousin - she and her husband are in Corpus Christie this week. He's there for a conference and she went with him for some sun (because Indiana has been rain-soaked this spring and summer) and yes, they are there just in time for Hurricane Dolly.
Oh, sumi. I am crying with laughter from the Cakewrecks!
Oh, sumi. I am crying with laughter from the Cakewrecks!
The baby ones are SUPER creepy!!
And I missed your 2nd post- So sorry! I hope your cousin and husband are OK!
The baby ones are SUPER creepy!!
Did you see the babies riding the carrots?!? WTF!
I got a free zucchini the size of my forearm.
And I swear, I've received more compliments in the last two weeks (on new clothing) than in the two previous years combined. Who knew?
This is exactly what happened when I did my colors and what-not-to-weared myself a couple of years ago.
Now that I think about it I'm not sure where the ice blue top snuck in. Ah, well. Too late. Someone needs to send me some wine and plum, though. My purples have been tending to have too much white in them recently.
As you realized, ice blue is winter, not ice pink though. Bizarrely, plum is a summer color. Burgundy can vary depending on how blue it is.
When I was younger (late teens, early twenties) I looked best in Winter colors. When I hit my late twenties, the blue-reds that looked so good on me when I was younger started making me look like total ass. I still wear a lot of black, but other than that, I wear Autumn colors. Has anyone else ever had something like that happen to them?
I thought I was an autumn for years. I think it was partly because I had my hair auburn and, if you don’t pay attention, it’s hard to get “cool” makeup. Once I switched those things, I went back to the summer colors I wore in high school and college (and, I think, look way better).
Still contemplating the aqua Trixie dress, but I’m still not sure about size.
Most importantly, dissertation~ma for all!