amych - I'm not apologizing for mentioning it. I'm apologizing for mentioning something while being unable to accept and process any responses regarding it. I should have just kept my keyboard shut. But thank you, of course. Regardless.
all your questions be friendly and answerable
When I was defending my Masters' thesis, the head of the department found me practicing my lecture in the room where it was supposed to take place. He told me not to worry about un-answerable questions. He said that some of these professors try to get exactly to that - to a question that the candidate can't answer (to put them in place, sort of, so to speak, in the sense of "you don't know *everything* yet, even regarding your own topic). That some of them won't relent until they find that question, and therefore being unable to answer is giving them exactly what they were looking for, and therefore a *good* thing.
That some of them won't relent until they find that question, and therefore being unable to answer is giving them exactly what they were looking for, and therefore a *good* thing.
ah. my DH had that guy on his committee.
oh, lord. a/c broke overnight. house was 85 degrees. not very useful for sleep. i am so stupid this morning.
I am wafting thesis ~ma in mr. flea's direction
Anne, I can sort of be both a winter and an autumn depending I what I do with my hair and makeup, although I am mostly an autumn who has light enough skin to masquerade as a winter.
Catahoula Leopard Dog - that's not what Gus Pong is, is it?
Mm... coffee. No fair y'all going all Chatty Kathy after I passed out.
Allyson, you ordered the dress, right? RIGHT? Because it's gorgeous.
According to the palette thingie I'm an autumn, which, d'uh, I knew. Everything it said about pure white and pastels making me look like ass it absolutely true. The only thing I disagree with is black-- but I almost always break black up with some sort of shocking color, so perhaps it's not all wrong.
Much dissertation ~ma to Mr. flea-- I got out before I had to defend my Master's or even got very far on my Ph.D. and of course, the Hub left school as ABD in genetic epidemiology and biostatistics, so between the two of us, we have way too much freakin' education.
Also, {{Nilly}}.
I have questions for the hive mind but I need more coffee before I can present coherent thoughts.
OMG- even the name Gus Pong makes me laugh, just thinking about Dogs in Elk!
Barb - I don't think we've posted before (probably due to my way too sparse presence on the board lately), so it's nice to meet you, and if you are indeed a new poster and not just a victim to the I-didn't-see-you-before syndrome, then welcome.
Nilly, I've seen you posting over at LJ (I'm fashionista_35 over there) but yes, I'm new over here--well, to posting at any rate. I've lurked forever.