Parking tickets, messes, blooded claws, and sleepless nights are NOT funny when they are happening to me.
Those are not funny when they happen to anyone, really.
I specifically made the distinction because of Marti Noxon's parking ticket song in "Once More With Feeling." Which I thought was very funny.
It's official. Obama has clinched.
I think he still needs a pick up of about 12, though that will happen as soon as the numbers start coming in from - what is it, Oregon and Montana?
Maxine Waters switched from HRC to Obama. Ouch.
According to AP:
Obama sealed his nomination based on primary elections, state Democratic caucuses and delegates' public declarations as well as support from 22 delegates and "superdelegates" who privately confirmed their intentions to The Associated Press. It takes 2,118 delegates to clinch the nomination at the convention in Denver this summer.
So it sounds like they have private confirmation from superdelegates.
I think Hilary will be conceding tonight, and is "open to VP." Though I think Barack would do better to take Edwards.
More from the AP story:
Officials said she would concede Obama had the delegates to secure the Democratic nomination, effectively ending her bid to be the nation's first female president.
South Dakota and Montana. And, yeah, they've been champing at the bit for that "clinched" headline all day, but it's a counting-in-advance kind of math.
Dude, the "private confirmation" business is SO this morning. She's confirmed and denied that story and the open to VP story at least twice since then. Skimmer.
I specifically made the distinction because of Marti Noxon's parking ticket song in "Once More With Feeling." Which I thought was very funny.
Oh, you're right! That was funny.
I did deal with my work email, and got a suspiciously grateful message from Work Nemesis. Hmm.
I think he still needs a pick up of about 12, though that will happen as soon as the numbers start coming in from - what is it, Oregon and Montana?
Yeah, the dKos thread is currently saying 11 delegates to go.
Tomorrow I'll get to work rebuilding my shell of defensive cynicism and pessimism, but right now I'm just happy. There's a diary on dKos from a Clinton supporter congratulating Obama. She mentioned Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman and MLK Jr...and I just started tearing up.