The difference between negligence and murder is intent, but the distinction is
you knowingly intended to kill someone, not
And intimidation & harassment are in themselves crimes. As for cross-burning:
In Virginia v. Black et al. the Court found that Virginia's statute against cross burning done with an attempt to intimidate is constitutional because such expression has a long and pernicious history as a signal of impending violence. [...] The Court did, however, strike down the provision in Virginia's statute which stated "Any such burning of a cross shall be prima facie evidence of an intent to intimidate a person or group of persons," holding that the provision was facially unconstitutional because of its "indiscriminate coverage." The state, therefore, must prove intent to intimidate.
I just found out that fruit flies can be vacuumed up. (I read it on the internet.) Also, that if you use a hair dryer on fruit flies, you should make sure to use the back end so they get sucked in and fried, not the front end, because just blowing hot air on fruit flies does nothing.
...Yes, I think WikiHow is populated entirely by college students with more ingenuity than sense.
When I had the fruit fly colony that turned out to be in my coffee maker (I threw it out), I spent a lot of time vacuuming the flies out of the air. It was entertaining, at least.
java, I was in a Latin class and on a Man of La Mancha kick, so I took a key phrase from a key speech "And maddest of all, to see the world as it is and not as it ought to be" and translated the last bit--it ought to be--into Latin: debet esse.
My friend's kid is on the NPR site! In connection with, um, a site about edible mustaches. (Hers is a sweet potato fry.)
And DebetEsse does
mean a female accountant, which was my first thought.
I wanna cry. Please tell me that the fact I can't open my jaw more than halfway without pain due to dental work (this part is normal- my jaw does not like being held open for more than, oh, 10 minutes, without protest ) is also the source of a particular nerve flaring up unexpectedly, and not a case of my $1K root canal now posted and filled indicating that they didn't get it all and I need another.
It doesn't hurt like when it blew up the first time, is not screaming or throbbing or swelling the gums or sensitive to temps, just tender to pressure and it is FREAKING ME OUT.
I'm so ready to tell them to just yank them all and put in fakes, fuck the cost.
Where did they inject you with novocaine? Was it at the very back of your mouth?
Sara, that sucks!! I am sorry that you're in Big pain. Big sorry.
java, I was in a Latin class and on a Man of La Mancha kick, so I took a key phrase from a key speech "And maddest of all, to see the world as it is and not as it ought to be" and translated the last bit--it ought to be--into Latin: debet esse.
A-ha! Thanks. Before I met you, I thought maybe you were two people - Deb and Tesse!