hang out with theatre people for a while. It's not uncommon. especially if you're in the middle of a musical.
Hey! My life resembles that remark.
has flashback to college parties, wherein there would be "Miss Saigon"/"Phantom of the Opera"/"Rent" medley extravaganzas
Ha! Remember the clip of the HIMYM cast on....some daytime talk show? When the cast members were talking about how NPH and Jason Segal would randomly start singing the Jean Valjean/Javert "Confrontation" from Les Mis? And so then NPH and Jason Segal just started singing it right then, on the talk show?
That sums up my high school years entirely too well. Because we did that shit all. the. time. Actually, that specific song.
People who need to explain themselves:
- Ones who come to a stop >1 car length behind the car in front of them at the light, whether or not they spend the duration of the red inching forwards.
- People with a lot of baggage that squeeze you out of the back corner of the up elevator even though they're getting out at 3 and no one's pressed 2.
- Groups of people who line themselves across the door and then press 11 when 6 is the next highest floor pressed. And seem surprised when the elevator stops.
People that amuse me:
- The woman taking the elevator's Jimmy Kimmel/Sarah Silverman breakup news very seriously--up to and including being very startled by the closing sentence: "It is not known if Matt Damon and Ben Affleck are involved."
- The English co-worker who has now taken to expressing displeasure using the word bother.
- The co-worker who told me to get the English co-worker's attention with a reacharound. Bother indeed.
What do I want for dinner?
thanks for all the concern. mac did fine on the trip, but was anxious about my arrival to pick him up today. all is well now.
CTA Red Line trains are stopped in both directions between the Wilson and Thorndale Avenues after a person was apparently struck by a northbound train at about 4:50 p.m.Tuesday, a CTA spokeswoman said.
So that' why my commute was so slow. (I was on the first southbound train they let past Argyle.) There were about 25-30 cops and CTA employees standing around on the platform....
Ones who come to a stop >1 car length behind the car in front of them at the light, whether or not they spend the duration of the red inching forwards.
I'm pretty sure that I was taught this was safe driving practice, in case you get rear-ended. But it's been a while, I can't really remember.
That may help if you get
rear-ended, but I'm guessing your chances of getting rear-ended in the first place just jumped exponentially.