I am not sure if this is a question for tech b=ut..
On this album cover, [link] Hello Lisa, there is a picture of a Hello Kitty in glasses. I have her facing forward as a piece of flair in facebook, but I am dying to have bespecticled Hello Kitty as my Livejournal icon. Is there any way to convert flair into and icon?
Hello Lisa??
What are people doing?
so far, have made delish meal for lady bandmates and have gotten drunk with them. And, Perkins, we are trying to figure out what to do in la Vegas. Ideas???
tomorrow may be early riding, pool with toddlers, yoga. so some sun some pain.
oh and the big cat just puked. nice. my life she is very glam.
I've made a lot of strawberry freezer jam. (Two batches)
mmmmmm, strawberry freezer jam, mmmmmmm
Mom told me that she harvested a bunch of rhubarb today and will make rhubarb crunch for me when I visit the end of August. I mentioned the missing rhubarb thing to her flippantly in passing 4 months ago. My mom rocks!
Please to tell about freezer jam?
Freezer jam = jam that's not cooked or sealed, but rather mushed fresh fruit, sugar, and pectin all mixed up and then frozen until you are ready to use it. It keeps about a week in the fridge after you take it out of the freezer, and is best with things like strawberries and raspberries that lose a lot of nuance when cooked.
Proper recipe, Ms PM!!
(Like I'd go though jam in a week, but lord knows I spoil a lot of fruits because they are on sale and THERE. Maybe this is hope?)
I've been reading message boards, people discussing my brother. He's apparently leading a Fox News poll in public support by 91%. I have no idea how to feel about that.
I'm pretty saddened by message board wingnutters who've taken the opportunity to immigrant-bash because the dickwad who put his hand on my nephew's thigh (not his calf, he was running his hand up his thigh while he was pulling up his little drawers) doesn't speak English.
I finally broke and responded:
I've been reading various message boards about this case, as it especially close to my heart.
My brother and I are the great-grandchildren of immigrants who could barely speak a lick of English on their deathbeds.
I don't think anyone in my family cares much about the immigration status, political leanings, country of origin, or language of the horrible man who hurt my cherished nephew.
I'm grateful for the tremendous outpouring of support toward my brother and my family. I can't begin to tell you how much it means to me that so many have come forward to say that what my brother did is what any responsible, loving father would have done.
However, I am saddened by those who have had an extra sentence or two to slam poor immigrants. We're the great grandchildren of poor immigrants (and my brother proudly served his country in the US Marine Corps), and it has nothing to do with this case.
It would have been equally as horrifying, no more or no less, if a rich born-with-a-silver-spoon-filled-with-apple-pie-in- our-nation's-capital-man had run his depraved hand up my nephew's leg.
I hope you can understand where I'm coming from on this. The abuse of children knows no culture, language, immigration status, color, religion...everywhere you go, in every corner of the world, there are scumbags like this, and I haven't heard one peep from anyone, anywhere, defending this wad on the basis of his national origin, whatever it may be, so there's no need to build a strawman.
I'd like to clarify something else, that I think speaks to my brother's heart, and what kind of man, what an amazingly loving father he is.
After rescuing my nephew and knocking down the door of the stall to punch the man, he quickly stopped and regained composure.
My nephew was crying, and the sound made him stop, to go comfort his son and get him out of the situation. I think that's the part a lot of people miss. My nephew was still there in the bathroom, frightened and confused, and while parental instinct kicked in to protect his son when he was being assaulted, it also kicked in to comfort his son when he was crying.
I'm so very proud of my brother. I hope that my nephew's nightmares stop, soon. I hope that the horrible waste of breath who hurt my nephew ends up in prison forever. I hope the DA drops the charges against my wonderful brother.
Mostly, I hope that every kid could have a daddy like my brother who loves his kids so much.
Thank you for letting me vent this on your blog. It's been an exhausting day.
That is a powerful statement, Allyson. I am proud to know you right now. (Always proud to know you, but especially right now.)
There goes Allyson, with the words. Even in a time of great stress you are insanely eloquent and make me cry.