Thanks again, all.
Tamara, my condolences to you & your family.
I had green chile chicken & cheese enchiladas and they were pretty good. More hot green chile would make them perfect. I mushed together the beans, rice, remaining guac, lettuce , fresh salsa and sour cream and when I have room to eat again, it'll be very good.
Then my mom and D called to sing Happy Birthday to me! They did a very good job. D is running mom happily ragged. He was talking to her 100 mph the entire time. He's having a blast! They finally have been getting a lot of rain, and he got to indulge in the NM tradition of playing in the rivers that run down the street when it storms uphill. Plus my parents house is like a treasure chest to a kid, so he hasn't played with any of the toys he brought along because there's all this new stuff to explore.
Dad is supposed to call me later. He was up in the mountains and due to the weather wasn't sure if he'd make it down tonight (avalanche and flooding risks.)
Bah. iTunes doesn't have Styx's
album. Guess I'll get
Pieces of Eight
How is it possible I don't own Home Sweet Home? That's just crazy.
Then why do you call it that?
The Satanists are either a) lying about the "nothing to do with Satan" thing or b) calling it that just to be ass holes
Condolences, Tamara.
sarameg, that sounds like an awesome birthday song rendition.
And mmm, your posts are making me homesick. My browser weather plugin keeps telling me we're getting rains. I wish I were there!
Hope your dad's safe.
It's my jesus year coming up, too! I've been thinking about it a lot. I kinda wanna blow it out. Do something crazy. Go all out for the year. But I gotta figure out how.
I'm very sorry about your Aunt, Tamara
It's my jesus year coming up, too! I've been thinking about it a lot. I kinda wanna blow it out. Do something crazy. Go all out for the year. But I gotta figure out how.
I'm about halfway through mine. It hasn't been an easy year, I have to say, but I don't think that has anything to do with my age. I am feeling a slow, simmering need to do something new and exciting, like finally traveling around Europe or going on an eco-tour through Costa Rica or something, but money keeps getting in the way. Stupid money.
40 is where it is at. Really. Rock on 40. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I had no clue how fabulous 40 would be until I got here. Just fantastic. Y'all should be jealous of us 40 year olds.
(Am I protesting too much yet?)
Okay, I admit. I don't know what a Jesus year is.
And, Tamara, I am very heartened to read that your aunt was laughing and joking near the end. Says so much about her and how much support she must have felt. I am sorry, though. Very much. (((Tamara)))