Bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon....
Part of this enthusiasm comes from the fact that, as one hit man told another in "Pulp Fiction," "bacon tastes gooood." Or, to put a finer point on it: "Bacon has the perfect balance of sweet, salty, smoky flavor, and the perfect balance of meaty and crispy texture," says James Villa, the author of "The Bacon Cookbook." "It's the most perfect food ever created by the gods."
Sarah Katherine Lewis recently wrote a book called "Sex and Bacon: Why I Love Things That Are Very, Very Bad for Me." It's a series of funny, outré personal essays, with a title meant to transmit a kind of wanton lustiness. Bacon is the perfect food with which to do so. "Sex and Lamb Patties," after all, doesn't quite have the frisson.
To love bacon is to sink your teeth into life, to refuse to nibble at the side salad or sip on the seltzer with a twist of lime. "Nobody wants to be wholesome, boring Betty when they could be sexy, hot-to-trot Veronica," Sarah Katherine Lewis says. "Pour me a drink, light me a smoke, fry me up a pan of bacon, and let's get it on."