My parents had me open all but 2 of my presents when they were here,so there'd be something left to open on my actual birthday but they could still celebrate it with me (read: my mom open presents vicariously. She LOVES giving and getting presents.*) Now, I'm not terribly sentimental, so it doesn't matter to me, but BY GOD it matters to my mom.
* She told me about once when she'd had a really horrid day just before Xmas back when they'd first moved to one of dad's postdocs. So she opened all the presents they'd both gotten (this was prekids.) And then wrapped them back up! I don't think she told my father for years. It cracks me up.
I remember visiting my brother several years ago, when my now-15-year-old niece was around 8 or so, and she had a closet about ready to burst with clothes. My SIL was complaining about it, and I volunteered to help her and said niece to do some purging. It didn't go too well. Niece was emphatic about needing to keep everything, even though at least half of the closet was clothes that she outgrew a year or more before. She was on the verge of a meltdown, so we gave up.
Now, the funny thing is that niece is content with her jeans and t-shirts, and the only things she collects are her earrings (she's gunning for a world record, and currently has a collection in the mid-hundreds; she aiming for a thousand by college).
Yikes, Kathy, that collecting bug your niece has? I'm not sure if it's a gift or a curse, but I hope she never turns her sights to something like cats.
I know a couple that has a collection of kitsch (ash trays, salt and pepper shakers, that sort of thing) big enough that they needed to rent a storage space for it. They also collect--I kid you not--those tiny plastic creamer containers, which they make into kitschy curtains.
They also collect--I kid you not--those tiny plastic creamer containers
You know what'd be cool? If you had a suit of those creamer containers - with the cream still in them. Then you could run around crashing into things....
I figure she'll get over the collecting thing eventually. I was the same way when I was her age, only for books instead of earrings. I've since learned to purge (but my mom thinks that 20 boxes of books are still too many).
... or you could make a suit of those cream containers, except replace the cream with vinegar. Then a second person has a suit that's infused with baking soda. Then the two of you would fight....
I arrived home this evening to a full mailbox. I got Hec's, Knut's and Corwood's books! Yay! vet sent me a sympathy card, and inside were two pieces of cardstock with Pico's pawprints on them, and the date he was euthanized. A person needs some warning about things like that.
I think that Project Runway should have a creamer suit design challenge.
Oh, {{{Sue}}}
I think I need to go home and cuddle my cat extra hard tonight.