Women and Canadians.
Hah! Exactly. It drives me crazy even when I know it's just the Canadian accent. I strive to be more tolerant of it.
I know I was only out one real business day but I feel so out of it and behind on everything. In a fog. I think turning off my alarm by mistake this morning and then being woken from very deep sleep at 8 only because i'd happened to set an alarm on my phone for something else and happened to have my phone bedside has thrown me off-kilter.
My folks live in Beaufort -- or I guess I should say in the surrounding area. Pretty place, not where I want to live.
If only for the fact that the way they pronounce Beaufort would drive me crazy.
As explained by our waitress, there is a Bow-fort in another state, but the SC town is always Byoo-ferd.
Oh, and if you head down that way, I'd recommend going to Walterboro, about an hour north of Beaufort, and stopping at the South Carolina Artisans Center. Bring money with you, because you aren't going to leave the building without buying something there. I told my mom as we were walking in that my limit was $75, and the item I ended up loving the most was, of course, $175. Oh, well, I took home two much more affordable pieces of pottery and a pretty wooden Xmas ornament.
If only for the fact that the way they pronounce Beaufort would drive me crazy.
Umm, how is it supposed to be pronounced in American? (Possibly wrong grammar, but I'm having a hard day at work).
Because when one talks about Beaufort here, 1. they'll speak about the post in Lebanon, 2. will pronounce it "Bufor" (Boo-for).
Hi, Shir!
"Beau" is usually pronouced "boh" and "fort" usually has the "t" at the end very definitely. But, the South Carolinians prounce their town of Beaufort as "Byoo-ferd," not "boh-fort" like another state pronounces their town of Beaufort.
Well, as Kathy said, the South Carolina town is pronounced byoo-ferd. One of my favorite houses there, a tiny little place (relatively) is called Petit Point, pronounced Pettypoint. Le sigh.
The North Carolina town is pronounced Bow-fert.
ETA: Beaufort x-post!
Beaufort as "Byoo-ferd,
Is this where the name Buford comes from, I wonder?
Hey, Kathy!
Interesting. Thanks for the info!
(I almost wanted to say that if we can't even pronounce the same words similar, all hope is doomed. And then I remembered that it took me about 10 days in US to make sure that when I'm asking for French crepes it won't sound like I'm asking for French craps).
If it's not Scottish, it's crap!!
Back in Alameda, we had a street called Versailles. And the locals pronounced it "Ver-sails". Seriously. Lived there for many years and am still not over the boggle.