Honey, how had you not seen Coilhouse before? I luuuuurves them.
Because you didn't start a post like this ages ago saying, "Hey check out this site Coilhouse."
I blame you. Still, you have to love that fashion review. I might have to start appending that line to all of my critiques: "This salad is good, but it needs more lace."
I had to add Coilhouse to my Bloglines feeds. That makes 67. Time to do some pruning. Or maybe organizing into folders.
A role model for LA? Chicago
Chicago has smarter corruption than L.A., Kaye said, because it's a strain of graft that gets things done rather than just lining pockets.
Because you didn't start a post like this ages ago saying, "Hey check out this site Coilhouse."
I did in LJ! When they first started up!
I might have to start appending that line to all of my critiques: "This salad is good, but it needs more lace."
I'm tempted to use it in documentation reviews.
Hec, have you seen Dark Roasted Blend? [link] (Big variety of cool stuff)
Dezeen Architecture and Design Magazine: [link]
Laughing Squid: [link] "art, culture and technology from San Francisco and beyond"
Random Good Stuff: [link]
tommyrot, I can't upload pictures from my office computer to flickr, but Dad just sent some photos of his Big Fish and details on the catch:
it is a Northern Pike, 38 inches long, just shy of 20 pounds, caught in Eagle Lake, Ontario, Canada. Caught on a jig and minow (yes, live bait) in four and one half feet of water, oh, and lots of weeds.
And it is headed for the taxidermist.
Other than Amazon, Abebooks, and half.com at ebay, where do people buy used books?
I need 14 copies of a 1990 book, and so far, I only found 12.
Powell's has used books listed.
Edited for not being able to read.
In addition to what you've already checked, I use Powell's and alibris.com