we usually use metric for everything, but end up having to convert back to Imperial for press conferences and the like.
Wait, so that means you don't *think* in the metric system, but rather in your feet and inches? Even when you work with the centimeters and their friends?
That's strange. I can't imagine working in units if I don't have a good intuition regarding their sizes.
Dana, I have no idea if this is crazy or not, but - is there any perfume or anything with some sort of alcohol around? I have no idea if it removes nail polish, but it does remove a lot of stuff.
There was once this lesson I was supposed to teach, and the board was completely full of tiny thick writing in a non-erasable marker. I ended up running to one of the labs in the building (yay chemistry, even though it's a physics building), borrowing some strong alcoholic solution, soaking some tissue papers in it and using them to wipe the board completely clean. I do suspect I was a bit tipsy from the remaining alcohol vapors that were around me all lesson long, but I think I didn't embarrass myself completely in front of the students, so all was well.
lisah - is that Armstrong flooring? If so, how did it get installed?
It is Armstrong flooring! My contractor installed it but I don't think it's that hard to do. He put a sort of a subfloor over the hardwood and then put it down over that...uh...I suck at home improvement stuff so I don't really know. But it was done within the course of a day. I can ask him for more details though and pass them on!
That would be awesome!! I want to do the same black and white in my grandmother's house this summer before we move in.
I'm also ainting the walls the apple green I have now and painting the cabinets white.
Basically, I'm totally copying your kitchen. I am having kitchen envy.
I'm back to needing unspecified-ma today. At some point. (Also nail polish-ma.)
Basically, I'm totally copying your kitchen. I am having kitchen envy.
Hah! Well, it's a classic look, I think!
I agree!!
I'm using red and yellow accents and framing some 1940's vintage 5-flavor Life Saver ads from magazines for wall decor. And hopefully scamming a yellow crackle formica dinette set from my mom's friend.
Re the Judge Kozinski story from last week-- some of this has been floating around the web, but this letter from the Judge's wife collects a lot of the charges against the misleading initial LA Times story.
ooh, Aims, that sounds super cheery and bright!
Lisah, I am also envying you your kitchen - it's so bright! I love the green against the white cabinets and black and white floor ... and all those outlets ... sigh.
I'm using red and yellow accents
Aims, didn't you do your living room in LA a few years ago in similar colors? It was so lovely.