Still awake with a horrible headache. I think this probably wouldn't rate a two on the ita scale, and yet, the pain is so awful to me that i just sent a note to work that unless this magicaly disappears and i can get a few hours of sleep, I likely won't be in until late.
ita, I've no idea how you do this.
Allyson, I'm sorry to hear that. I wish you health and sleep and their combinations.
Feel better, Allyson.
In cat news, Pico now has diarrhea, which is a side effect of the antibiotic. Le sigh. The bright side is this is maybe why he doesn't seem so interested in food again.
How might one go about finding the volume of a rectangular box? Maths Jars no good.
It's height × width × depth.
1 cubic centimeter = 1 milliliter.
That's what we figured! Thanks! But the maths didn't look right, so we actually sketched a metre square on the ground and filled it with boxes to check.
Why, Tom, your units are all in meters and stuff, no feet or inches to be seen! How European of you.
But the maths didn't look right
It's always confusing when changing the units (from 1 cubic meter to 1 cubic centimeter and so forth). It looks like it gets way too small way too fast, but that's the way it works (because it gets smaller 3 times, one for each length unit).
How European of you.
I think it's more
Entire freakin' planet and whatever is on Mars
for the US..