Heh-- just last night I was reminiscing about an English sitcom called The Good Neighbours (The Good Life in the UK) where neighbor Margot Ledbetter -- played by the MOST un-Julie Andrewsish Penelope Keith -- has an ongoing subplot about her political machinations with the Musical Society to get cast as Maria in The Sound of Music.
I'd have paid good money to see that performance, truly.
it first aired in the UK as How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria?
That's what they're calling it in Canada too.
US Open:
Tiger's taking it to an 18 hole playoff with Rocco Mediate. With an unbelievable putt.
Mr. Picassohead is very fun.
Cashmere, I think tomorrow is going to be a very unproductive day for corporate America.
mr picassohead is way too much fun
Is anyone else watching the Tony's? Because Tracy Letts, who I think is scrappy's friend, is getting mad props!
I posted pictures of my finished kitchen finally!
I actually made food in it tonight. It's not completely set up though. And I haven't set up my new bathroom at all.
Wow lisah, it looks great!
Thanks! I'm pretty happy with it! The cabinets are pretty tall, though. I need a taller stepstool to reach the top shelves.
IO house N, my ceiling in my middle room upstairs (where I have my office and most of my clothes, is caving in. It had been before and the leak on the roof was fixed which seemed to stop the falling ceiling but it looks like the leak is back. argh! No money for this!! It all went to make pretty, pretty kitchen.
On the plus side, I guess the universe as it relates to my house is in balance. yay?