Happy Birthday, Dylan and javachik!
It's a beautiful, beautiful day here, so Annabel and I have been out enjoying it for a bit. Among other things, we went to Cupcake Royale to get cupcakes for Father's Day. Annabel made a card to go with them (with me telling her how to spell the words and helping with a few of the letters she hasn't quite got the hang of making yet). She knows all her letters now, and she knows that letters make words, but she doesn't quite get the whole "must run left-to-right, top-to-bottom" thing yet. As a result, her caption: "Daddy cupcakes, From Annabel" actually reads
It's very cute.
Happy birthday, javachik!
I'm hoping that two (2) e-cards for my father make up for the lack of a paper card. Der.
Happy Birthday, Dylan!!!
Happy Birthday, javachik!!!
Susan, you should take a picture of Annabel's card -- it sounds adorable!
Happy Birthday, Dylan and javachik.
I have been ridiculously productive today and think the couch is all that will happen for the rest of the evening.
I got my hair cut and colored, my car washed, oil and transmission fluid changed, a pedicure, shopping at Target, shopping at Trader Joes, shopping at comic book store.
I'm now exhausted and cleaning the house is completely out of the question. Right?
Birthday Boy in pictures:
Blueberry pancakes for breakfast
Cake and ice cream were apparently exhausting!
Then we opened some presents and finally had to go inside and rest. Whew!
So cute!!
I love the stacking cups. Those are an awesome toy.
Cake and ice cream were apparently exhausting!
See, he's already learning about the cruel realities of being a Big Boy.
go inside and rest.
Keep an eye on that lion; it looks like it wants to munch on his tasty little toes....
Happy Birthdays, Dylan and javachik!
On my next birthday, can I have cake and ice cream and then a nap?
On my next birthday, can I have cake and ice cream and then a nap?
Me too, me too!
Happy Birthday javachik!
Not in order to contradict the beginning of this message, but it's morning. The beginning of a new week.
NOOOOOOOOOOO. Life, I do not want to have any contact with you right now.