cause I wasn't sure if she was pregnant. She hadn't said anything and I just sort of stated what was obvious to me. Luckily (?) she was pregnant so I hadn't misjudged
Oohh, yeah, that could've been bad.
Good luck with the teenager/toddler conundrum, David. Does not sound like fun to me. Eep.
Bets on the chances I'll be walking the dog home from her $100 grooming in the pouring rain?
I dunno - the clouds make it look like it's gonna pour any minute, but there's nothing on radar heading towards us.
Go brenda! more money is good. more meetings, nsm. But I hope the more money makes up for the more meetings.
Weekend-- cleaning and errands tonight and tomorrow, plus more of my Angel rewatch, then Sunday head to Vegas for two days.
Well, I don't know yet if there's more money.
There's no question that, career-wise, this is a good thing. Stamina-wise could be another question.
Actually, not even that. It's a comfort-zone violation I'm struggling with. As in, I'm being pushed out of mine. I'll get over it and be happy then.
Tom, yeah, it feels like rain, but it is looking bluer in the west. So maybe not. (And it wouldn't matter, really - people comment on her coat for
after she goes to this guy, so a good dousing ain't gonna hurt her.)
We are starting to get piles of paper sent home from school. Lots of mac's writing work came home today. Some reads exactly like LOLs.
Today his therapy went from all play therapy to the beginning of some talk, but still mostly play and poor noodle is scared. He was beside himself for the therapist to have me in the room and say the words "sometimes things are hard at home".
Insist on more money, brenda. It's a new job with more responsibility.
Good luck, David.
Edit: Ooh, good luck you too, msbelle.
Kids are hard.
Good luck to both of the little men having problems (and their parents, too!).
It looks like it's clearing up out here in Wheeling, so I wouldn't worry too much about the clouds.
I'm debating if I want to order pad thai and spring rolls for dinner tonight, or if I'll just settle for some spaghetti after I wash the pot out to boil noodles. I'm leaning towards Thai just because I haven't had any in a long time. Of course, I could order beef pilaf from the Uzbek place--hmm, that's a thought...
Lots of mac's writing work came home today. Some reads exactly like LOLs.
Please tell me this is the stuff he is writing, and not the teachers...
Aw, poor noodle is right.
cause I wasn't sure if she was pregnant. She hadn't said anything and I just sort of stated what was obvious to me. Luckily (?) she was pregnant so I hadn't misjudged
I was afraid it was going to be one of those one where
didn't know.