I think he's saying that there is no contradiction between evolution and intelligent design, because evolution must invevitably result in an intelligent designer. So the intelligent designer of us (who people call God) is probably just the result of an evolutionary process that started earlier and elsewhere.
Isn't that just moving the question back in time?
It sounds like a very wordy and pretentious way of saying "turtles all the way down."
God evolved first? That'd make some heads explode.
I'm confused, Kat--why is it inappropriate to tell the girl "You're not fat, you're just pregnant"?
meara, cause I wasn't sure if she was pregnant. She hadn't said anything and I just sort of stated what was obvious to me. Luckily (?) she was pregnant so I hadn't misjudged. But still... prolly not a good thing to blurt in the middle of class.
I've been watching MSNBC for about an hour straight and yeah, they're pretty messed up but they're doing a good job and no other news. You know?
Timelies all!
Tomorrow is the Potomac Celtic Festival, which we will go to for a while. Sunday I need to bring the car to Jiffy Lube, and we're doing dinner with G's dad.
Soooo sleepy. Stuck here another hour, at least. Wanna lay my head down and snooze instead.
Oh, fuck. I just got a call from EM.
Emmett's in full-on hysterical meltdown flip-out mode.
He doesn't want to play basebal and wants to quit the tournament team. He won't go to the game tonight and is having a full on screaming, door-slamming tantrum about having to talk to his tournament team manager about it.
Technically, he's not a teenager, but this seems like a pefect storm of Emmett's occasional eruptions where he gets emotionally stuck on some issue and a huge influx of hormones. He has completely lost his shit.
I've got to go collect the car in the East Bay after work, so I'll go over to talk to him later tonight, hopefully when he's calmed down and we can deal with him together.
Was it Ple who pointed out that I'd be parenting a toddler and a teenager at the same time?