And the boy scouts - they just made me cry what with them rescuing each other and setting up triage and everything.
I had a crypoint this morning. There's a PSA campaign on the radio here about teen driving fatalities. So it's basically a one minute story by the mother whose son was killed in a car accident. And she talks about how close her two sons were, and how she got the call at 3am and how she ran to the high school, and the patrolman stopped her and said she couldn't see the body but he was killed instantly. And how she had to wake up her other son to tell him.
And her voice is breaking while she's telling it.
Aye caramba. Not fair, radio PSA campaign!
I am sorry for posting a quote and leaving for a meeting (with cake!) before posting the answer. The Obama baby seal-killer muser was Emily.
This weekend I am attending a pool party for a 3 year old's birthday, giving my husband a nerf blaster and Flight of the Conchords DVDs for father's day, and stressing out about mortgages and packing. Um, whee?
This weekend is Dylan's birthday party on Saturday, and Father's Day dim sum w/ both sets of grandparents on Sunday. Poor noodle is going to be all celebrated out!
I have a friend in Waterloo, Iowa. I know her theatre was flooded. I'm hoping her home was not.
Wow - Happy Birthday Dylan!
Also - now I'm starving for dim sum. Hrm.. How to remedy....
Happy birthday, Dylan!! OMG!!
flea, can I hope that you are packing now because you are insanely organized, and not because you're leaving us in, like, a matter of days? Or at any other time before our summer party in mid-july?
My nephew has started a chat with me, and now seems to have taken off.
I'm glad to hear the swan got away OK.
The Obama baby seal-killer muser was Emily.
Hmm, that brings up the question - has anybody seen Emily's fonts recently?
I think she is in Egypt visiting her dad.