They include such buffista-esque themes as What I Wore on the Airplane and What Food I Ate and What Cocktails I Drank.
Ha! My Budapest pictures include what I ate every day and a picture of my favorite drink there. A lot of people said they were some of their favorite pictures because it somehow gave them more of a feel for what the place was. like.
Hivemind question: Does anyone have a good recommendation for a daily vitamin w/calcium? Is one brand better than another? I'm clueless but think I should be taking one, since I've been tracking my diet recently.
this book thing is driving me batty. It has pushed all else out of my brain.
I originally had my rubber chicken hanging by its neck here in my cubicle until a friend pointed out the "choking the chicken" reference and I turned it so it was hanging by one of its feet, instead.
So I went to Chipotle, and they aren't serving the tomato salsa! Bullshit, I say.
At least they made the corn salsa less spicy! I think that's thoughtful.
I went to the gym this morning, and ever since I got back I am filled with lassitude. I can't work. It's weird.
Let's all not work, together.
At least they made the corn salsa less spicy! I think that's thoughtful.
Yeah, that's something. I have also decided that maybe I actually like the burrito bowl better, since then I can move the ingredients around the way I like them. Huh!
Does anyone have a good recommendation for a daily vitamin w/calcium?
I've read that calcium and iron (which most multivitamins have, esp. those for women) shouldn't be taken together, because iron inhibits calcium's absorption.
And it's really hard to find a kids' multi-vitamin that doesn't have both. (I take a kids' multi-vitamin because adults' multi-vitamins have 100% or more of the RDA, which I don't need, given that I eat relatively well. A kids' multi-vitamin has 50%-ish of adults' RDA, which is enough to cover any gaps my food intake leaves.)
A study found when looking at the habits of thin people, that they do weigh themselves every day or every other. And when I was working on maintaining or losing weight that's actually what was recommended. I also know that when I am bad about eating right and I know I'm gonna gain I avoid the scale. Hence the daily weigh in.
Yeah, I have to get back on the daily weigh in habit, but I'm waiting until I am feeling slightly more settled. Then I can start working on the 20lbs that have snuck back up on me over the last year.