I have one obscene t-shirt that I adore but (for this very reason) it is only worn to concerts and bars (and concealed in transit).
t sing-song
I know what the t-shirt sayyyyyyyyyyys
t /sing-song
“I shouldn’t have to dress up more to HM than to go to work”.
Yes, yes you should. You're client-facing, you should dress up. Or nicer, at least.
In re clothing, what REALLY ticks me off is when people turn up at my church (yes, it's a historic place in the guide books, but it's a high church Episcopalian service) wearing shorts, t-shirt/ crop top/ halter top, and flip-flops.
This summer, we're using another place for services while the church is being renovated ... which has seriously cut down on the tourist attendance.
I remember being horrified the first time I saw someone attending mass in shorts. Yes, it was summer in an unair-conditioned church on a late Saturday afternoon (and therefore a tad less formal feeling--the pastor rarely handled the Saturday masses, it was usually the associate pastor instead) in the late '70s, but still! My mom didn't even let me get away with jeans until I was in college, unless we were going to St. Mary Nativity downtown. (StMN was notorious for being the "obligation" church--you were in and out in 25 minutes, so dressing down was rather standard there.)
Yes, yes you should. You're client-facing, you should dress up. Or nicer, at least.
Like I said, I refrained from comment.
In re clothing, what REALLY ticks me off is when people turn up at my church (yes, it's a historic place in the guide books, but it's a high church Episcopalian service) wearing shorts, t-shirt/ crop top/ halter top, and flip-flops.
I saw that in Europe all of the time. Once, when we were touring, we stopped at a church, and we flabbergasted the guy at the door by stopping and pulling out long skirts and long sleeved shirts our of our backpacks and putting them over our shorts and tshirts. He was speechless when we asked if we need to cover our heads. We got a great tour of that church.
Although I could understand people going through when there isn't a service going on in the usual summertime tourist wear, it's during the service that it bugs me. That and the people who insist on taking pictures (with flash) during the service, even when the ushers tell them not to, and talking through the service. grrrr
When I was a kid, everyone who went to our church dressed up. I recently went to that church for the first time in almost 15-20 years and was amazed - half the people there were dressed casually.
a sign at the church that says, "Come as you are," that's been there since the church was built in the late '60s....
Although I could understand people going through when there isn't a service going on in the usual summertime tourist wear, it's during the service that it bugs me.
Yeah, me too --- but that's at least partly because my religious upbringing doesn't place inherent holiness in the building.
Doing a driveby to thank EpicTangent for the link in Press. You just saved me a nice chunk of change. Thank you! Thank you!