People clean the insides of their refrigerators?
Hah! Not normally (although I'm really good about getting rid of old food out of it generally). But my kitchen is all brand new and shiny and my contractor cleaned the outside of the fridge (and the stove!!!) and now it's just not right that the inside isn't sparkly clean as well.
vinegar and dishwashing liquid
ah I have a squirt bottle of this made up already. I need to get some rags. I use way, way too many paper towels.
I have to send that APOD to a photographer friend who did a whole series on feet. Phoenix feet!
And she'll laugh and call me a big dork.
I wish I were home and watching the Cubs game right now--they're doing a 60th-anniversary-on-WGN-game, complete with retro uniforms, TV announcers in 1948 clothes, and even broadcasting a few innings in B&W with oldtimey awkward camera angles.
edited... I meant to quote about cleaning out the fridge. Der.
Soft Scrub.
I'll admit it. I like when things smell all bleachy clean. I know that makes me The Enemy, but I do love it.
ooohhh.. Voodoo Doughnut! I have a cute tank top from there that I'd like to fit into this summer please.
I left campus and walked to Daphne's for lunch. Had a gyro and a salad and fries. Bad for me, but good. And the fact that today has been no car day, i'm justifying my bad behavior.
I have to say that I looked pretty freaking cute in the outfit I wore on the plane going from SF to Chicago last weekend.
Soft Scrub.
I just snorted loudly and painfully.
Soft Scrub.
heh, is that what the kids are calling it these days?
Sorry. Copy and Paste issues.
I remind myself that The Boy always takes care of dog poo removal from the backyard as well as always cleans the litter boxes
When I'm mopping. Again. I try to remind myself of the same as it pertains to K. And it makes me feel better. Until I remember that the dog and cat are HERS.
Um...right. For...HIS PETS? (Clearly there are other chores besides vacuuming and poo-removal, but...dude)
Well, at what point am I allowed to start thinking of them as mine? Or at least mine-ish? If I get home from work before The Boy does, I feed them, because they don't understand when I try to explain that they aren't mine, so I ain't feeding them. They just look at me with the I Haven't Eaten In Ten Years expression, so I have to feed them. I pet them, I feed them, I sneak them bits of people food when The Boy isn't looking -- they've become mine-ish.
But I still won't pick up their poo.
Before you leave for the airport, look at yourself in the mirror, and think: Could I meet and IMPRESS someone who would change my life while wearing this? And if the answer is "No," change.
Screw that. I'll dress appropriately, but dressing to impress any passing Djinn seems a bit much.
::snerk:: Why does "Djinn" make everything funnier?
Anthony Bourdain samples a bacon doughnut
I loved his chagrin at enjoying it. And the bit where they floated ideas for an Anthony Bourdain doughnut, and showed a picture of a donut with a ciggie in the middle.
Great. Just got a call from EM. Emmett's in the school office after throwing up.
Not like we're playing a freakin' Championship Game tonight or anything.
Since he had no signs of sickness yesterday or this morning and it was his end-of-school party today, there are very good odds that he gorged on every sugary thing in sight like the nutritional craphound he is. I hope that's all it is 'cuz we need him tonight.