6. Oh look everybody in one of the coasts! The Israeli is up. Maybe it's time for you to go to bed? Sleep is your friend!
Hee. Shir, I like your style.
It's 2am board (and, therefore, my) time, and I am finally able to go to sleep. Why? BECAUSE I FINISHED GRADING EVERYTHING FOR THE ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR! That's right. DONE. I worked my ass off for the last three days, and it paid off. I still have school stuff left until the 10th or so, but the hard part's over.
Did I mention that grades aren't actually due until Friday? Numfar, do the dance of kicking ass!
Nice one, Kristin! I'm presently wrestling with report-writing. Oh joy.
I am, however, still working.
Things you don't want to discover on your desk on a Monday morning:
On Friday, I went and bought a Reece's from the vending machine, and it accidentally gave me two of them. I left one of the Reece's, unopened, on my desk.
This morning I come in and discover that my desk has been visited by a mouse!
askye: so very sorry for your loss.
I'm so sorry, askye.
Things you don't want to discover on your desk on a Monday morning:
And at 7am, to add insult to injury...
I hereby to inform you that you could have been so much more gazillion times better if I could spend you lying on the grass, with food and books.
So true!
I'm so sorry askye.
I forgot my wallet at home for the second time in two weeks. Somehow remembering my travel mug, lunch, work keys, vitamins, house keys, iPod, and fudge are all too much for me to remember a little thing like my wallet.
Fortunately the barista from heaven gave me my coffee this morning. (It's not the first time she's comped me a coffee.)