I'm hoping that with the end of the primary that trope goes away. At least on the Dem side - I don't expect anything better from the right, so it doesn't ping me as much. But coming from the left it's fucking appalling, and a reminder that our own house isn't exactly in order the way we might like to think.
I hope so, too, but I'm astonished at the rage towards Obama that I'm seeing from some Hillary supporters. I don't get it. But you're right -- it could utterly rip the party apart, which would make things wide open for McCain.
I really want the pundits to just call it what it is, and say that they think Obama can't take the redneck/racist/Klan "working-class" vote.
yeah, that'll be the day. It'll be the same day that they speak angrily about welfare families and show a picture of a white family.
Yeah, I know. I can dream, right?
Cashmere, can you offer the money in the form of lifeskills/budgetting classes instead? By which I mean, good lord. Bless you and your dealing with family. Am so thankful my family is easy in many many ways.
After I paid to bail my nephew's girlfriend out of jail, my niece just called and asked when Girlfriend pays me back if SHE could borrow that money until they get their stimulus check in July. *sigh*
Didn't you say that you thought that nephew's GF won't pay you back?
Yeah, actually Cash, I'd say yes to that. The chances of you getting the money back at all aren't great - this way the official debt to you is on the shoulders of someone who
feel more of an obligation to do something about it.
Maybe we should stop calling you "Cash" because I think it is sending the wrong message.
I was just thinking the same thing.
Also, could I borrow some money?
I love the thinking: "If Cash has enough money to bail someone out, then she ought to give it to me."
t throws large bundle of cluesticks at Cash's relatives
So, we could start calling Cash - "Broke" - maybe that would help.
I will admit to having typed the words "Kool-Aid," but only in private and only in reaction to one particular group of people -- there's a thankfully tiny but fairly obnoxious subset of Obama supporters, mostly a handful of commenters on the non-b.org sites I visit and a handful of posters on sites I don't visit anymore, who are... I guess just more Obama supporters than yellow-dog Dems.
Everyone's got their favorite in the primaries, but most folks will, after a suitable mourning period, buckle down and support whichever D comes out of the primaries. Except these guys (and it does seem to be mostly guys) (who are, again, a tiny, tiny subset, they're just a LOUD one) have spent many months both pounding on Obama's main opponent and making it clear that they brooked no criticism whatever of a single Obama word or deed in the entire course of his political life. And some are just freaktastic.
Honestly, after reading and reading and reading about everyone's histories and positions and platforms, ISTM that the Democratic party has been incredibly lucky in having three or four strong candidates, any one of whom would make a great president. Now that it's down to one, I'm totally happy to vote for that one; I'm just not keen on that tiny handful of idiots who insist that he's utterly beyond criticism and that my first choice was pure gut-churning evil.
Folks in general, Buffistas especially? Smart, reasonable, thoughtful and enthusiastic supporters with no trace of Kool-Aid at all.
Cash - you could offer to lend the money when it's repaid (i.e., never). And the least they could do is send coffee before demanding "loans".
sarameg, perhaps you could say that you've lost weight because it MELTED OFF in your un-airconditioned apartment?
New sign - in honor of Kat's tag - "Disgruntled customers will be given a cat. Really disgruntled customers will be given a feral cat."
And, just because.