Speaking of picky eaters, I'm a bit puzzled as to why this story ended up in a newspaper at all, but whatever: [link]
She's only 18 months old, but Courtney Boswell's diet of chips - and not much else - means she weighs as much as the average four-year-old.
Remember the Pluto controversy?
Pluto Now Called a Plutoid
The International Astronomical Union has decided on the term "plutoid" as a name for dwarf planets like Pluto.
Sidestepping concerns of many astronomers worldwide, the IAU's decision, at a meeting of its Executive Committee in Oslo, comes almost two years after it stripped Pluto of its planethood and introduced the term "dwarf planets" for Pluto and other small round objects that often travel highly elliptical paths around the sun in the far reaches of the solar system.
The name plutoid was proposed by the members of the IAU Committee on Small Body Nomenclature (CSBN), accepted by the Board of Division III and by the IAU Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN), and approved by the IAU Executive Committee at its recent meeting in Oslo, according to a statement released today.
Here's the official new definition:
"Plutoids are celestial bodies in orbit around the sun at a distance greater than that of Neptune that have sufficient mass for their self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that they assume a hydrostatic equilibrium (near-spherical) shape, and that have not cleared the neighborhood around their orbit."
In short: small round things beyond Neptune that orbit the sun and have lots of rocky neighbors.
The two known and named plutoids are Pluto and Eris, the IAU stated. The organization expects more plutoids will be found.
Plutoids - the curiously rocky dwarf-planets....
Speaking of picky eaters, I'm a bit puzzled as to why this story ended up in a newspaper at all, but whatever:
Because of the OMG! Obesity Scare! Won't SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!
The two known and named plutoids are Pluto and Eris,
No good can come from a celestial body named Eris. Only mischief.
I don't know what's up with that little girl, but the other celebrity/TV gossip stories are awesome. SO many people I've never heard of!
That kid looks fine. I swear to god, I wish people would mind their own goddamn business. Would anyone care if a kid was ultra skinny as long as she was healthy? (as this kid seems to be?)
This is one of the most awesome and freaky cars ever made: [link]
Cool! Certainly one of the better uses of my name out there.
Would anyone care if a kid was ultra skinny as long as she was healthy? (as this kid seems to be?)
I think this girl's diet is much more worrisome than her weight. Eating mostly fries and drinking Coke can't be healthy. (Assuming, of course, that the article is accurately reporting her diet.)
I thought she ate other stuff too, just wasn't into fruits and veg.
But, my theory is: none of my business as long as the kid is more or less happy and healthy. (no reports of actual unhealthiness were contained in the article, right? Just the OMG OBESITY thing?) None of my fucking business. Also, I don't care. She's not being ABUSED, for crying out loud, no matter what the obesity "experts" might try to tell us otherwise.
That little girl could not possibly look more normal and regular if she tried. Really.
One of the Brazelton books I read while prepping for Matilda said that toddlers can actually get by nutritionally on a mind-bogglingly limited diet--you should try to get them to at least take a bite of something different at every meal just to keep them used to the
of trying, but they'll do okay on not much at all.
And, bless Google, here's the exact page in the exact book I was remembering.
That toddler could still stand to expand a bit past chips, but she's so very seriously not obese, and control is a huge, huge issue at that stage and the more her parents make a giant thing out of it the more invested she'll be in that little bit of control, and
can lead to huge food issues later on.