Hmm, I just went to and says that Boston/Cambridge is like 73 degrees, but Salem/Peabody is 88 degrees with RealFeel temp of 101. That sounds much like what we have here in Boston/Cambridge area, at least when I last stepped outside.
WTF, RealFeel of 76? I DON'T THINK SO.
I prefer "Gyno American."
I read that as "Gyro American" at first, which I believe has a WHOLE different vibe to it.
All righty, lists the temp as 96, RealFeel as 97.
That sounds about right.
Can you guys please send some sun my way? My plants are sad and we're stuck in MARCH here. (I'm sorry, Jilli, but fresh fruit and veggies that I don't have to pay for trump your fabulous wardrobe's extended season by a hair.)
WTF, RealFeel of 76? I DON'T THINK SO.
I've been getting screwy tempratures from both and the national weather service for Boston this afternoon. They also keep trying to tell me that Salem is going to be 15 degrees cooler than Boston (and Beverly and Swampscott) tomorrow, and I'm not buying it. Don't get my freakin' hopes up!
Yeah, the weather doohickey on my Mac tells me it is now a whopping 50 degrees outside....
Of course, I'm going to Vegas today. Where it will be twice that. I'm not sure how to handle that, given that I don't think I've been in weather hotter than 70 degrees in ...god, I don't remember when?
97°F RealFeel® 103°F in my town, 96°F RealFeel® 100°F in Washington.
My house is less than 1 mile from DC, so I'm going to go with "really f-ing hot out there."
As long as you stay hydrated 100° in Vegas isn't really that bad. It's super-dry heat, and all the moisture being flash-evaporated from your skin will keep you feeling comparatively cool.
DC's at 99 right now, and we're expected to break the record of 102 set all the way back in 1874.
You want sun? Here!
::shoves sun into ethernet port::
::burns flesh off hands::
::suddenly doesn't care about the temp anymore::
I had thought this might be a milder summer than last given the rains and slow temperature ramp-up during the spring, but today's Natter makes me feel that we're going to see 106° again.
I don't want to see 106 unless it's on a birthday cake Willard Scott is giving someone.