I am however going to Vegas for work this evening. I am not sure how to dress professionally for that. Though I do suppose it'll all be air conditioned.
Yeah, for work, I'm going to say bundle up -- the A/C will be cranking, I predict.
But now I gotta heave my migrainey self off to my migraine specialist. It's always so much more fun seeing him while I'm in pain.
Good luck.
It's pushing 90 here in Boston and humid. This is the ick weather I hate the most (along with rain when it's in the high-30s). Anyone who wants this weather is welcome to it. Also, they are crazy.
Hivemind question -- I have an orange savings account for emergencies and such. I'm thinking of opening another savings account to save for fun things, so I can keep the money separate. Question is, do I make more money by keeping it in the same account, or does it not matter with two accounts (assuming that the rate is the same regardless of balance)
So far it is ok here. It will be warmer than predicted later.
Today is Monday. Usually Monday is ok, because I do not have to work, but I have to do evil things today.
1) make vet appointment ( rabies shot) for cat who loves us and thinks all strangers - esp the vet - are potential First evils. and there is a possibility that there is something wrong with him so this could be difficult for everyone. He is old - I don't want to know anymore.
2) dig around and figure out how we missed a bill - bah. If that is what that call was about because it was vague.
3) write a letter to the business owner, the city council, the mayor, the police chief, and the city manager. 4 months ago we had a shooting at a wedding. Last Saturday , a big fight and stabbings and medivac helicopters at the same place. Unacceptable. I know the business owner. I would prefer to go beat him with a clue by four. or even just my fist.
I have done #1 . I might go to the grocery store and give my new insurance to the pharmacy. whee.
91/feels like 99 here. I think I'll have my lunch delivered.
If that is what that call was about because it was vague.
Was it an automated message? I get bullshit calls like that all the time.
Two accounts with the same interest rate will make the same amount of money as combining the two.
I didn't realize until today that apparently the term "special needs" is now politically incorrect and has to be replaced by a less offensive term. Maybe I'm just insensitive, but it seems to me that it was pretty descriptive of the actual situations without being insulting toward the kids that require extra care.
Was it an automated message? I get bullshit calls like that all the time.
This one was from a med lab. and it gave name , an account number , and another number -- plus a website. It is the medlab that all our test go through. and since we get stupid bills - like for 2.16 - it is quite possible that I missed it -
It's 100 deg, and feels like 101. Somehow, the fact that there's only a very small difference between the two is failing to be comforting.