So I'm at that point when I realize this thing that sort of should be in today will not get done unless I stay late. Which I could do and get it done, but I sort promised myself that I. Would. Stop. That.
My boss has been out all week and so naturally I have still accomplished way more than normal.
So, do I do as much as I can on this one thing and leave the rest for Monday, or spend my remaining time cleaning up picky little details that will add to my what-I-got-done-while-you-were-gone list?
dude, and I thought my holidays were awkward!
They are, but "Holy dad issues, Batman!"
Leave the rest for Monday.
Leave it for Monday unless it will nag at you all weekend and ruin your Monday when you come in to face it. Cause that shit sucks.
I like knowing what I am going to do first thing of a new week - If I don't know , I can wander around aimlessly fir the first hour- and I don't have the time to waste.
I think my apathy has already made my decision for me. I'm going to clean up details, which will be much more pleasing to my compulsive mind, and start fresh on this thing on Monday. It helps that it is a project that only got put on me because my boss is so behind. So missing any soft deadline is more her issue than mine.
Kathy that is a great story. Plus the son is so rockabilly--did you see his hair!
Here's a card for you to send with the gift, shrift.
uh oh, what's up Allyson?