Fake bus stop keeps Alzheimer's patients from escaping
A nursing home in Germany built an exact replica of a bus stop in front of the facility. The only difference is that buses never stop there.
“It sounds funny,” said Old Lions Chairman Franz-Josef Goebel, “but it helps. Our members are 84 years-old on average. Their short-term memory hardly works at all, but the long-term memory is still active. They know the green and yellow bus sign and remember that waiting there means they will go home.” The result is that errant patients now wait for their trip home at the bus stop, before quickly forgetting why they were there in the first place.
“We will approach them and say that the bus is coming later today and invite them in to the home for a coffee,” said Mr Neureither. “Five minutes later they have completely forgotten they wanted to leave.”
Ugh, politics. I avert my eyes! And change the topic!
For dinner I having a pork chop, roasted asparagus in garlic and olive oil, and I think some couscous with toasted almonds.
Love those!
Those hand-tooled purses are quite cute also.
They are on 3rd near Fairfax. I love going in there.
Their shoes are my fave. Surprisingly comfy.
I don't have enough clean pots and pans to cook what I wanted to cook for dinner, and I don't have enough patience to wait for the dishwasher, so I'm heating up some frozen pad thai, I think.
I'm reading an article about freegans. It's an interesting idea, but I have no idea how anybody can find the time to get all their food from trash.
The radio is reporting that Lynda Carter was canoing on the Potomac and found a dead body floating.
It's an interesting idea, but I have no idea how anybody can find the time to get all their food from trash.
HA I can barely find the time to get all my clothes out of the giant clothes heap in the corner. Let alone food from the trash.
I'm reading an article about freegans. It's an interesting idea, but I have no idea how anybody can find the time to get all their food from trash.
The other day I read a somewhat tongue-in-cheek article arguing that airlines should have a freegan dinner option - after all the other passengers have gotten their food, the freegan people would get to pick food that would otherwise be thrown away.
Actually that makes sense, but airlines would never do that.
I hate shoes right now. It's possible that no shoes would have gotten me comfortably through three days of site walkthroughs, but yesterday was the only day with very little discomfort. Tuesday's shoes were too heavy, and I think today's had too little arch support (which has been temporarily remedied with Dr. Scholl's massaging inserts).
I sincerely hope they finish walking through before I have time to go back.
There are a lot of raised voices around here, and I swear people are trying to douche me around. Looking evasive, and stuff. And not being 100%.