Meanwhile, I'm sitting here wondering if I'm gonna spend the rest of the year annoyed by people of my own race and gender more often than not.
Hmmm... Maybe just for the next little bit first. Then you can be annoyed by people of your own race but a different gender for a while!
Plei - did you see my inquiry in your LJ several weeks ago about canning jars. As in, would you like some I have?
D'oh! I did, and I meant to respond, but then I got slammed again and forgot (I probably read it on the bus on my phone).
Yes. I would.
WHEE! can you e me your new address?
not the little grains of semolina kind, but the nice round yummy ones
Do you mean Israeli couscous?
Hmmm... Maybe just for the next little bit first. Then you can be annoyed by people of your own race but a different gender for a while!
I'm totally used to that one! It never stops!
I'm kinda sick of seeing stuff I actually agree with (re: how Clinton can regain the trust of her party) waved around as OMG, MISOGYNY! when it's at worst a slight blindness to male privilege, and at best, damn good advice.
I'm kinda sick of seeing stuff I actually agree with (re: how Clinton can regain the trust of her party) waved around as OMG, MISOGYNY!
Well, obviously if you agree with that stuff you are a self-hating, patriarchy-embracing tool of the man.
t /sarcasm
Well, obviously if you agree with that stuff you are a self-hating, patriarchy-embracing tool of the man.
Yes, but I have cute shoes to comfort me.
Yes, but I have cute shoes to comfort me.
Hey! I should get on that! Cute shoes ALWAYS help!
Do any of you use any of these free cell services. I find Jott intriguing and I wanted to know how well it works.
Also, I have mad love for texting google, but being able to voice call and have them text back? SO MUCH BETTER for those of us trying to commute with handsfree technology on.
So, my coworker who had the heartattack is the guy I replaced at my old school who was super sweet but not a good administrative fit. He was teaching summer school at a site I had hoped to work at. I just got an emailing asking if I would switch to teach at his site.
The whole thing makes me sad and makes me feel awful. He has two teenage sons. He hadn't told his wife yet that he had lost his job when our contract was terminated.
Cute shoes ALWAYS help!
And, if they don't, there's always purses.