Trying to herd cats for dinner on Friday, have meeting Saturday, concert Tuesday, fly to DC on Thursday, need to buy shoes and schedule dress fitting and buy shower present and Father's Day card and get flyers printed and prepare a presentation and write a huge story --
I... I need a nap.
Tonight we go out for English food with a very nice older lady friend who is transplanted Brit. We go watch a play that a high school teacher friend directed on Friday--Kids acting and singing, should be fun! To dog obedience class Saturday morning. Go see SATC on Saturday night. Big gardening plans on Sunday plus have to come in to the office for a few hours. Plus going to the gym, house-cleaning and laundry sandwiched in there.
skipping because I need the hivemind. I can't get in my door because there is a baby chickadee in front of it. Mamma chickadee is just opposite on the fence, freaking. The little bird is alive but leaning on the door. What do I do? I'd like to help and I'd also like to get to my office.
Back atcha, msbelle. Sox, I wish I had advice for you. I don't. Good luck!
Sox- maybe you could call 311-- do that have that in your area?
ok - the Fedex guy (delivering my new power cord for my mac because I melted teh old one) knew what to do, sort of.... he said to go up close and slowly move my foot towards (but not anywhere really close) the baby bird. Did that, and unlocked the door (with the Fedex box over my head as a momma bird shield) and the little guy just hopped away from the door, down the steps, and across to his mom. So - drama/no drama. Maybe he was looking to break in to our rice stash or something. Not that we have a rice stash...
If you come across a baby bird out of its nest, the best thing that you can do is try locating the nest in surrounding trees and shrubs and place the nestling back in it.
eta- I was trying to answer quickly and just skimmed the article. I guess you were dealing with a fledgling.
Cute Overload does a Daily Puppy-esque post. So cute!!
I just had a reuben for lunch. Yum.
Now I've got to get ready to go to a stupid seminar. Ugh.