I found one spoiler which, if it's true, is so inane and ludicrous that it's pure comedy gold.
I think his movies are pretty inane and ludicrous, so I'm betting on true. (The one with Bruce Willis was okay but I kinda ruined it for myself by guessing the "clever twist" about 5 minutes into the movie.)
(The one with Bruce Willis was okay but I kinda ruined it for myself by guessing the "clever twist" about 5 minutes into the movie.)
This makes me laugh cause both movies he was in, this is probably true.
if it's true, is so inane and ludicrous that it's pure comedy gold.
I hope so, because the trailer was crushingly bleak and depressing.
Everything is trying to blow up on me today.
I meant Sixth Sense, Aimee. What else was he in?
I have a natter question for y'all. Now, like all right-thinking people, I start my day with a shower. As a matter of fact, I am not sure I could FUNCTION without a shower. My BFF, OTOH, thinks that's odd and always showers after dinner, so she can get into bed all clean. I should add that in cool weather I often take a bath in the evening as well, but I kinda consider that as relaxation and not hygiene. What do you do?
I prefer showering in the evening, so I don't have to add any more time than necessary into my morning routine. My husband is like you and has to shower in the mornings.
I don't think so; I spent way too much time the other day looking for spoilers, and nothing was rapture-y. (I found one spoiler which, if it's true, is so inane and ludicrous that it's pure comedy gold.)
You mean like the actual spoilers for The Village?
Heh. Even better. (Where "better" means "mockworthy in its stupidity.") (Er, assuming that the spoiler I read is true.)
I hope so, because the trailer was crushingly bleak and depressing.
Marky Mark has that effect.
A robin with poor survival instincts has been repeatedly smacking into my window at high speeds. After ten minutes of this I decided it was mistaking its reflection for a rival, and indulging in macho stupidity. I closed the blinds, and sure enough it stopped bashing its head against the glass. I now suspect it of being one of a number of Buffista bosses and ex-bosses. If I was sure of that I'd open the blinds.